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nourish the body中文是什么意思

用"nourish the body"造句"nourish the body"怎么读"nourish the body" in a sentence


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  • Bread nourishes the body , and books enrich the mind
  • Bread nourishes the body , and books enrich the mind
  • Very little of our food , whether carbohydrate , fat or protein , is capable in its unaltered form of nourishing the body
  • Energy vinegar absorbs life ' s luminescence , nourishes the body , enhances energy and motivation , provides stability of mind and spirit , gives clarity of thought , and stabilises the emotions
  • The brush must be held upright and each and every stroke is clean , clear and sharp so that the expertise , i . e . the readers of the painting can read and enjoy them . it is like enjoying delicious food and drink . every bite and sip gives endless pleasures , apart from the fact that they are nutritious . that is why through the ages , the sage knows food is to nourish the body , art is to nourish the soul
  • When meditating on the inner light and sound , it is as if we are being treated by the " greatest medicine " in the universe with a therapy that repairs and nourishes the body , mind , and soul . master emphasizes that we should meditate two and one - half hours daily and maintain the appropriate time ratio of meditation on the light and meditation on the sound . this is just like a prescription ordered by a medical doctor , and we must do our best to follow the recommended " dosage " in order to achieve the best results
  • The article discusses the functions of massage in acupuncture treatment and concludes that massage could function to diagnose diseases , locate acupoints , activate meridian qi before acupuncture treatment , protect healthy qi , dispel pathogenic factors , promote qi arrival and movement during acupuncture treatment , warm and nourish the body , and further promote qi movement and eliminate pathogenic factors after acupuncture treatment
用"nourish the body"造句  


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